Tag Archives: Rory Castle

RORY CASTLE: A tribute to Norman Geras (1943- 2013)

Rory Castle

[first published on the Rosa Luxemburg blog]

The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, 1976

The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, 1976

The respected writer, thinker and groundbreaking blogger, Professor Norman Geras has died in Cambridge. Geras contributed greatly to the study of Rosa Luxemburg in the UK and internationally, most notable with his ‘The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg’ (UK: New Left Books, 1976), but also since then in numerous articles, reviews and blog posts.

Just a few months ago, Professor Geras appealed to readers of his blog to donate money in support of the effort to publish Luxemburg’s Collected Works in English, writing:

“Rosa Luxemburg wrote that ’Freedom is always… freedom for the one who thinks differently’. She was a partisan of the idea of democratic pluralism within the socialist movement. Her ideas on this topic also had their limitations, but hers was a humane and powerful voice, within the Marxist tradition, for taking the values of freedom and democracy seriously.”


In tribute to Professor Geras and to his work, here is a selection of his vast contribution to the study of Rosa Luxemburg:

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